2010 m. kovo 19 d., penktadienis


As you can see, with ifolder began some problems, so you will not can download our albums for some time:( when it will be normal, we will write.

2010 m. kovo 10 d., trečiadienis


Ch.p.l. makes a progress. Recently we made an account in myspace, so welcome: http://www.myspace.com/chpl666 There we previewed 2 songs from our new album that we will release soon. We changed our style radically, now it will be something like dance-noisecore/experimental. Many SCREEEEAAAAMS and NOOOOIIIIISEEEEEEEES!!!!!111! IT WILL BLOW YOUR MOTHERFUCKING EARS OUT!111! SONIC APOCALYPSE IS COMING SOON!11!1!!! Also, don't forget to invite us to friends, if you are in myspace :) Especially if you are a girl :D

2010 m. kovo 8 d., pirmadienis


Ch.P.L. released new mini-album (only 30 min and 8 tracks). As you can see from its name, track are completely electronic, even voice was generated by computer (except "Everybody dance!"). Also, all lyrics are in english, and style is something like electro, techno, last track, "I will kill you" has gabber and drum'n'bass rhythm, track "Reality is shit" is sloooow and experimental. Anyway, enjoy!
1. Electro song
2. Everybody dance!
3. Electroshit
4. Sad love song
5. Your girlfriend is a bitch
6. Reality is shit
7. Core'y - cocore'y
8. I will kill you

Free download link: http://chpl.ifolder.ru/16748828


And the last (at the moment) part of our anthology is dedicated to breakdance and attempts to rap in USSR. Sounds quite crazy and funny, doesn’t it? Songs in this album sounds like that. Again, any “yo, man!”, “check it out!”, attempts to rap is also horrible. Here presented songs is not only “raps”, some songs are just about a breakdance, that was quite popular and cool among youth, especially after a film “Dances on the roof” about b-boys (1987). Short review of tracks:
“Chas pik” – maybe one of the most interesting songs in this album. The first attempt to record a rap in Russian language in USSR ever (1984!). Actually, music here and a part of lyrics is copied from “Sugarhill gang’s” legendary song “Rapper’s delight”. This project of 2 DJ’s from Kuibyshev founded a tradition to rap between tracks on the discos among DJ’s in late 80’s.
“Alisa” – in compare with “Chas pik” very poor attempt to rap by vocalist K. Kinchev. In tracks 8 and 13 raps a female (!) jazz-punk singer Terry what sounds better. She also raps in track #15.
“Televizor” – style of this band sometimes was called “electro-funk”. Songs about resisting the soviet system. Now – about resisting Putin’s regime.
Vova Sinij – maybe one of first soviet artists that used a technique of scratching in music. His band “Bratya po razumu” also first made music by “sampling by hands” (tape loops), used in their synthpop-oriented music various innovations – scratching, noises, distortions and so on.
1. Час пик-Рэп (1984)
2. Алиса-Меломан (1985)
3. Ночной проспект и А. Барабашев-Я провожаю брэйк (1987)
4. Телевизор-Выйти из под контроля (1987)
5. ДК-Киселёв (1984)
6. Вова Синий и Братья по разуму-Русский народный танец (Брэйк-денс) (1986)
7. А. Яковлев и Поп-комбинат - Алло (1987)
8. Алиса-Папуас рэп (1986)
9. Кофе-Ломанные пляски (1986)
10. С. Курёхин, Westbam, Кино-Pure rose (1988)
11. Вова Синий и Братья по разуму - Рэп-скретч (1985)
12. ДДТ-Конвейер (1988)
13. Алиса-Тигалагалоба (Брэйкденсгопак) (1986)
14. Телевизор-Мы идём (1987)
15. Ночной проспект-Don't kick me out (Ансамбли) (1991)
16. Центр-Смотрины (1989)
17. Алиса-Тоталитарный рэп (1989)
18. Ночной проспект-Борьба за существование (1986)
Free download link: http://chpl.ifolder.ru/16723057


Third part of V.A.’s dedicated to soviet underground music consists of underground synthpop, minimal synth and new wave.
1. Фокстрот-1000 лет (1985)
2. Алексей Вишня-Зачем ты плачешь (1987)
3. Альянс-На заре (1987)
4. Бэд бойз-Наша общая любовь (1985)
5. Центр-Чтение в транспорте (1984)
6. Юрий Чернявский-Доктор Альберт Карлович (1985)
7. Вова Синий и Братья по разуму-Вторая народная песня (1984)
8. НИИ Косметики-Пушка (1987)
9. Биоконструктор-Биоконструктор (1987)
10. Метро-Метро (1984)
11. Ночной проспект-Ансамбли (1986)
12. Примус-Крышесрыв (1983)
13. Сокольники-транзит - Ролли ралли (1986)
14. Закрытое предприятие-Ностальгия (1988)
Free download link: http://chpl.ifolder.ru/16729154


Second V.A. album is dedicated to soviet electronic and experimental music. From such composers like E. Artemiev and S. Kuryokhin to such obscure projects like “Otryad im. V. Chkalova”, “Stuk bambuka v 11 chasov” or “Stereozoldat”. Also, here is one Lithuanian group, “Argo” and 2 latvian – popular “Zodiac” (this melody later was remixed by group PPK) and Z. Liepinš. Here’s more information:
A. Rodionov and B. Tikhomirov were first soviet composers that used computer to make music (no, not eJay. And even not Fruity loops.)
The ensemble of electronic music instruments conducted by V. Meshcherin was first project of soviet electronic music, even since 1960’s! Of course, sound is very different, this composer used such instruments like vibrophones, theremins and so on.
Notchnoi prospect – one of first soviet artists that played industrial music. A. Borisov is still doing this under various names.
S. Kuryokhin – legendary soviet experimental jazz artist, in the end of 80’s began experiments with electronic sound
V. Ratzkevich – one of first rockers in S.U. (band “Rubinovaya ataka”), later (in the beginning of 80’s) – one of first that played breakdance music (project “Vektor”). In the beginning of 90’s he recorded soundtracks for russian television and is still recording experimental, abstract electronic music. Here we have his experiment with sampler and monotone speeches.
Arsenal – veeeery old band, from late 60’s played jazz, in the beginning of 80’s began compose electro.
1. Argo-Diskofonija 2 (1980)
2. Отряд им. В. Чкалова-ВВС (1984)
3. А. Родионов и Б. Тихомиров-Догоняй, компьютер (1985)
4. Стереозольдат-Марш ядерных ракет (1984)
5. Эдуард Артемьев-Добрый вестник (1980)
6. Стук бамбука в 11 часов-Хрупко двух (1991)
7. Ансамбль ЭМИ п/у В. Мещерина-Навязчивый мотив (1973)
8. Зигмар Лиепиньш-Танец 85 (1985)
9. Ночной проспект-Гуманитарная жизнь (1986)
10. Сергей Курёхин-Народ гуляет (1986)
11. Владимир Рацкевич-Манифест/Голос (1989)
12. Арсенал-Эстафета (1985)
13. Зодиак-Зодиак (1980)
14. Новая коллекция-Звёздный час (1988)
Free download link: http://chpl.ifolder.ru/16728595


Ch.p.L. decided to release not only their own tracks and albums but also various “sborniki” (rinkiniai) of other songs united by some theme. First 4 various artists albums will be related with soviet underground music. Yes yes, Soviet Union also had its underground culture that was more underground than in so called “free states”. But in our first V.A. album will be even deeper underground music, than you think, no, any “Kino”, “DDT’ or “Nautilus pompilius”. It will be about soviet PUNK!!!!
We must warn you: quality of sound is often very poor as this songs at all (lyrics, music), but if you are real meloman or punk, you should appreciate this music. So, enjoy!
As you can see, here is one song of “Kino”, but it isn’t typical for them.
1. Автоматические удовлетворители-Дурак (1984)
2. Инструкция по выживанию-Памяти Кручёных (1987)
3. Бригадный подряд-Долой гопоту (1986)
4. Сектор газа-Колхозный панк (1989)
5. Кооператив ништяк-Ненавижу этот город (1988)
6. Футбол-Кто ты такой (1982)
7. Гражданская оборона-Анархия (да будет) (1987)
8. Вонючие животные-Наркотики (1990)
9. Народное ополчение-Пьём запивая тобой (1984)
10. Буква О-Роджер (1990)
11. Объект насмешек-Любер (1987)
12. СПИД-37 год (1988)
13. Хуй забей-Механизатор (1990)
14. БОМЖ-Анестезия эмоций (1987)
15. Кино-Мама анархия (1986)
16. Чудо-юдо - Квазимодо (1991)
17. Путти-Йорик (1991)
Free download link: http://chpl.ifolder.ru/16728393

2010 m. kovo 5 d., penktadienis

8 marca

Ch.p.L. pozdrawia zenska plec z dniem 8 marca. I w ten dzien wsiem kobietom i dziewczynom daje. Podarek. Pierwszy albom z nazwo "Idzicie naxuj!". Dziewczynkom - nie daje, wy jeszcze za male na takie piesni. Wam jeszcze sluxac swoix Maksimow i Timati. A pozostale - naslazdajcies naszym tworczestwom. Jak pisano nizej, style piesien bardzo rozne - rap, techno, synthpop, alternative, ragga - jungle, 8 bit, reggae. Teksty duzo o czym, nie tylko o milosci. Tracklist:
1. Intro (MC Brezhnev presents) (1:20)
2. Ch.P.L. in Vilnius (3:55)
3. Forsu dainele (2:12)
4. Narkomanu Dainele (3:45)
5. Counter-Strike (2:39)
6. Fedzia narkodiler (2:31)
7. Tancujut wsie (mix) (3:28)
8. Neformalios Ciastuskes (3:19)
9. Zestokij Rep (2:24)
10. Zajebali (feat. MC Puch) (3:04)
11. Smirdantis batas (2:24)
12. Gonim Na Wsiech (4:31)
13. Ganja Reggae (2:49)
14. Gliuk ukurennych MC Mironaza i DJ Pawla: Kibergop Fedzia #666 (3:33)
15. Sirdziu edikas (2:00)
16. Vileyka rap (1:36)
17. Antineformal (feat. MC Puch) (1:49)
18. Rep pro derewja (2:21)
19. Nelaiminga Meile (3:33)
20. MC Puch respect (50 cent instr. noise mix by Ch.P.L.) (3:27)
21. Ty znaesh,kto takoj Ch.P.L.?! (SD cover) (2:16)
22. Zajebal Ch.P.L. (outro) (1:19)
23. Megamix (8:54)
24. mc-mironaz(moy rep) (2:29)

ssylka: http://chpl.ifolder.ru/16689588

2010 m. kovo 1 d., pirmadienis